Transition and Continuum Care
A surgery or hospitalisation for an elderly person may require a more prolonged recovery period. Often they cannot be managed at home and may require a step down centre. Our centres are well equipped to provide them the professional expertise needed for a quick recovery.Once they recover completely they can be managed safely at home.

Respite Care
Caring for a person who is chronically ill can be very demanding and draining emotionally as well as physically
Respite care is a special name for a short-term break for caregivers. When you look after someone who’s sick or disabled, it’s a 24-hour job. You need a break from time to time in order to refresh yourself. That’s where respite care can help.
Your breaks can be as long or short as you need them to be. You can set up respite care for a few hours, a day, a few days, or a few weeks.

Who Needs Respite Care?
Cancer, A brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, A stroke, Blindness

Respite Care Services
Respite care offers a safe, comfortable place for your loved one while you’re away. Trained providers can sit and talk with someone who’s disabled or ill.
Someone who’s elderly or ill may feel isolated if they’re at home all the time. Caregivers can feel isolated, too. Respite care may be a welcome break for both of you.