An assisted living community provides daily activities in a comfortable manner with independence and encouragement given for each senior whether it is physical or mental needs with a personalized care. It is in Home like settings with quality of life, involving social activities, hygienic value, more over sense of belonging and safety.
Nursing Homes provides medical and personal care in a clinical background. Skilled nursing care facilities offered around the clock for medical care and resources equally good like hospitals in a comfortable way. Nursing cares can be of two type short term and long term according to needs of the resident.
Look into the types of service and other differences of both Nursing homes and assisted communities offers
- Medical Services: In both cases medical care is given with ultimate care, since seniors with multiple prescriptions leds to confusions sometimes with medicines intake. For emergency cases and surgical cases nursing care will be more appropriate. In both options medical services provided physical layout and living space arrangements.
- Living Space: Nursing care generally gives clinical, institutional or hospital kind of appearance. Limited space to move around. Whereas Assisted living is more like a homely setting, enough space to move around, private or shared rooms, common living and dining area, walk around outside garden, private bath rooms in some cases kitchen facilities provided.
- Recreational Activities: In nursing homes variety of recreational activities may be limited. Physical therapists focus on improving strength and gaining mobility. Assisted living provides wide range of activities for residents such as physical exercises, social activities, creative expressions, religious services and so on.
- Assistance with daily activities: In both cases daily activities like bathing, getting dressed, laundry, housekeeping services are provided. But in nursing homes seniors need more extensive care for daily needs whereas in assisted living it depends upon each residents’ requirements.
- Meals: In Nursing homes according to dieticians’ chart meals are provided to the seniors. Personal assistance given to those who can’t eat on their own. Whereas in Assisted living common dining area, to have meal or in some cases kitchen facilities used by seniors to prepare according to their taste depending upon their health and mobility.
- Cost: Nursing homes charges more, whereas assisted living varies by opting the requirements. For example, seniors with injury or surgical cases need extra care and services, also cases like memory loss and Alzheimer’s needs more attention and support.